You Got Injured At Work – What To Do Now

You Got Injured At Work

Getting injured at work is more common than you might think. As a matter of fact, over four million workers sustain workplace injuries each year. So, if you get injured at work, you should know how to handle things.

What Are the Most Common Workplace Injuries?

Depending on your workplace, you can sustain different types of injuries – either if you work a desk job or at a construction site. If you have a desk job, you might get injured from overexertion, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, which can happen due to repeated motions.

Suppose you work at a construction site. You can sustain a machine injury, which can happen when you get trapped inside a heavy machine. Whatever sort of accident you have encountered, you can hire one of the best job related injury lawyers to get compensated for the lost wages, medical bills, and future medical treatment.

Inform Your Employer

You should understand that your responsibility as an employee is to inform your employer and report the injury. It is your employer’s responsibility to provide you with medical care. On the other hand, it is your responsibility to report the injury and tell your employer what happened.

While you are at it, make sure to take pictures of the injury as well as the location where you got injured. For instance, if you are a construction worker, you already know that construction sites change rapidly, which is why you should take close-up and zoomed-out pictures of the injury site and the injury that you have sustained.

If you cannot move yourself, you can ask someone else to do the needful for you.

Call for Medical Help

After sustaining a work-related injury, you must seek medical help at all costs. If you have sustained an injury, you should never walk it off. Instead, call an ambulance right away and get treatment. Sometimes, serious injuries seem harmless in the beginning, but they get much worse with time.

Make sure that the ambulance picks you up from your workplace. The reason is that this way, you will have evidence that you indeed got injured at your workplace, as the ambulance and the relevant hospital will document everything, which you can use later when you get in touch with a personal injury lawyer, and they will be presenting your case to the insurance company to seek compensation. The medical records are essential for calculating the financial compensation that the insurer will pay to you.

File A Report

If you get injured at work, the next step is to report the injury to the authorities. Ideally, you should file a report after you have received the much-needed medical attention. It is important to mention here that you must maintain the same description of how you got injured as well as the impact of the injuries. 

Make sure you tell the relevant department the same thing that you have been telling everyone else. If your employer or insurance carrier finds any discrepancies in the report, it can affect your worker’s compensation benefits case. So, make sure to maintain the same narrative everywhere.

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